Who we are

We are a veteran and family-owned company specializing in projection services, catering to a diverse clientele including architects, homeowners, builders, and designers. Our innovative projection system is designed to showcase life-sized, detailed images of floor plans and designs, providing a comprehensive visual representation on both the floor and the wall. We take pride in our ability to assist our clients in creating optimized and visually compelling spaces.

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Meet the Team

  • Megan Ewy

    Owner + Operations Manager

  • Chad Thompson

    Owner + Service Manager


  • Our projecting technology creates actual-sized layouts inside of our showroom. Feel the design of your floor plan as you walk through in real space.

  • Make changes & consult with professionals and stakeholders. Bring your entire team to make design choices in parallel rather than a long back-and-forth with multiple stakeholders.

  • Papers and digital mockups can only help you visualize your floor plan so much, Walk Your Plans helps show you what it FEELS like so you can be confident going into your build.

  • Change orders can add up quickly. With a one-hour walk, you can find what you want to change and make those changes before you build, saving everyone money and time during the build.